Distance College
We found that there was now demand for us all across the country, and in response, we founded the British International Distance College as a way to provide quality international education to bright young minds - wherever they may be. Within a year, the Distance Learning wing of our group flourished - and for many years was the only Cambridge approved IGCSE and AS level distance education provider in South Africa. BIDC now has multiple partnered study centres across the nation, as well as individual students as far and wide as Kenya and Korea, who travel all the way to our examination venues in South Africa or are assisted to sit exams in their home country.
Such a high quality distance learning program was a prize for those who were dedicated sportsmen and women, with entire Golf and Dance academies adopting our programmes such that their students would be free to focus and build on their passion. Several of our Distance College athletes have gone on to become champion representatives of South Africa in a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to: Golf, Ballet, Highland Dance, Figure Skating, Tennis, Vaulting, Motor Racing, and many more.
With the introduction by Cambridge of Brilliance Awards, we were able to see just how incredibly talented our Distance students are - with several of them receiving the highest marks in the country - or even in the world - in some of their final Cambridge exams. In the last two years alone we have had three "First in World" awards for Co-Ordinated Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology combined),
Psychology, and Chinese first language.