British International Colleges and Schools

Illuminate et Optimus

North American institutions

In countries such as the United States and Canada, good grades in carefully chosen Cambridge International A Level subjects can result in up to one year of university course credit.

Over 485 US universities accept Cambridge International AS and A levels, including all Ivy League universities.

Research has been carried out to explore whether Cambridge International AS and A Levels predict readiness for and continued academic success at US universities. Findings from a number of research studies suggest that the Cambridge programme compares favourably with other, more established, acceleration programmes in the US including Advanced Placement (AP) and the International Baccalaureate (IB).

Read our Destination USA brochure for more information.

Destination - USA
Click here to download the Destination North American brochure.
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Destination - USA
Click here to download the Destination North American brochure.
149712-destination-usa(1).pdf (5.95MB)
